My Relationship with Technology



I do not believe that my relationship with technology is healthy. In my personal opinion, technology is too big of a factor in my life and takes up way too much of my time. The large majority of my technology use is encompassed by my phone, as I rarely spend time watching TV or playing video games online. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I go to is my phone, and when I go to sleep at night, the last thing I go to is my phone. And sandwiched in between my waking and my falling asleep is 3-4 hours spent on my phone, something I am not proud of in the slightest. I feel as though the reason why I spend so much time on my phone is because it is always with me. It fits right into my pocket, and I have it on me at all times. Therefore, it is easily accessible and always within reach. Whenever I am not doing anything and have a spare moment in the day, I immediately reach for my phone. 

I believe the biggest reason why I continue to use technology as much as I do is because I don’t believe I’m doing anything bad. Most of the time on my phone is spent either on ESPN reading articles and checking scores or on Instagram looking at posts and watching videos. I convince myself that I could be doing much worse things with my time, so spending time on my phone really isn’t that bad. I also convince myself that I’m just using it as a way to relax, even though that’s not entirely true.

I don’t believe that my friends and family’s relationship with technology is good either. Whenever I am spending time with my friends and hanging out with them, we still spend a lot of time on our phones. Not only is that a waste of our time and my friends time, but it is also disrespectful to each other and our time. Whenever I am with my family, the same exact thing happens. Whenever we are watching a movie or a TV show, most of us will have our phones out and won’t even be paying attention to what’s happening on the big screen. This is also a waste of our time and is very disrespectful to one another. 

Thankfully, I don’t have a very large online footprint. When I type my name into Google, the only major things about me that come up are my LinkedIn profile and my high school journalism articles that I wrote. Honestly, these are two things that companies love to see as they both showcase my work and highlight me as a student. On my social media accounts, I like to keep my profiles as clean as possible. I only post things about my life, specifically friends, family, and sports. I never post anything that I wouldn’t want a potential employer to see. 

To say this class has been beneficial to my relationship with technology would be an understatement. It has helped me in so many ways, and has brought to light my overuse of technology, specifically my phone. I am now aware of my technology use, and am ready to make the necessary changes to it.


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