Antiwar and Dissent

Dissent is an extremely important right to have in our current world, especially considering that it is one of the 8 values of free expression. Not all actions that are taken by the government are going to be ones we agree with. After all, we all come from different backgrounds and we each have a different set of beliefs. Therefore, it is only right that we have the ability to dissent. If not, then we start to move back into the late 18th century with the implementation of the Aliens and Sedition Act. We also possibly start to move into the territory of prior restraint.

When looking at both ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative, I notice that there is very little leniency to either the right or the left. Rather, it is neutral. This can be attributed to the fact that it is mostly news and reports about that news instead of opinions. A lot of mainstream media sources are heavily opinion based and are just used as outlets for people to rant and express their opinion on why their side is right and the other side is wrong. However, both of these sites provide great explanation and analysis of what is currently happening in outer world. It now makes sense as to why I have never heard of either of these sites before today. I thoroughly believe that we need more sites like these in our world. If someone is just reading about someone else’s opinion about an issue, how will they ever be able to understand the issue itself?


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