
The issues raised affect me on a daily basis. Through the videos I watched as well as Dean Smith’s lecture, I learned that the government has access to your files, specifically your Google Docs and Google Drive documents. It might say that you are the owner of that document, but that is really just a lie. The truth is, the government is the owner of that document and can do whatever they please with it. When it comes to my friends, they are affected in the same way, especially my friends from school. Most of them, without having taken this class, are walking around campus completely unaware about the control the government has over them and their files. 

There is so much more that should be done to ensure our privacy online. When we are on a phone call, we shouldn’t have to worry about it being recorded. When we are typing on a Google Doc, we shouldn’t have to worry about it not being in our control. These are basic principles in regards to our freedom, but the government has abused and will continue to abuse their powers in this area.

To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy, we should be aware of the power the government currently has and research ways that we can limit it. We should be informed about what we can do to ensure what we think is private actually remains private. Instead of being naive and convincing ourself that our information is private, we should realize that it isn’t and we need to take action to fix this. 


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