
My Relationship with Technology

Image      I do not believe that my relationship with technology is healthy. In my personal opinion, technology is too big of a factor in my life and takes up way too much of my time. The large majority of my technology use is encompassed by my phone, as I rarely spend time watching TV or playing video games online. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I go to is my phone, and when I go to sleep at night, the last thing I go to is my phone. And sandwiched in between my waking and my falling asleep is 3-4 hours spent on my phone, something I am not proud of in the slightest. I feel as though the reason why I spend so much time on my phone is because it is always with me. It fits right into my pocket, and I have it on me at all times. Therefore, it is easily accessible and always within reach. Whenever I am not doing anything and have a spare moment in the day, I immediately reach for my phone.  I believe the bigges

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

Image One of the other groups presented on the Sherman Antitrust Act, which I found to be very interesting. I had heard about it in part before their presentation, but after hearing it in full, I learned the full story behind the act including when it was created, who it was named after, how it still has relevance today, and much more. The Sherman Antitrust Act is an act that was created in 1890 to prohibit companies from merging together to form monopolies and to keep the job market as equal as possible. It was named after John Sherman, who was a politician from Ohio. He was most well known for his role as William McKinley’s Secretary of State during his time as President, but he also spent time in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in addition to serving as Secretary of the Treasury to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Despite being created in 1890, the act was not utilized until over a decade later during the time

Artificial Intelligence

Image In my personal opinion, artificial intelligence is one of the most dangerous things in our society and, when it comes down to it, it is without a doubt more harmful than it is helpful. The following paragraphs will talk about what I believe are the two biggest dangers surroundings A.I. The first concern I have about artificial intelligence is how it is taking away our creativity and making us lazy.  Take, for example, ChatGPT. In the classroom, teachers will spend hours preparing an essay prompt that students will complete in seconds with the click of a button by just inserting that prompt into ChatGPT. By doing this, students are missing out on the opportunity to tap into their creative side and generate a well thought out response to the prompt. And before they know it, this one time turns into two, three, and even four times, and the student’s creative side is completely gon

False Flags

Image In our world today, no event occurs without a number of opinions and conspiracy theories immediately following it up. As humans, it is our innate desire to attempt to figure out and explain why something happened. We hate being left without answers, so a lot of the time, we are quick to come to our own conclusions. However, this often leads to a plethora of issues that just wind up causing chaos.  Now you might be wondering, what exactly do false flags have to do with this? False flags, as defined by the Anti-Defamation League or ADL for short, are the belief that “ various world events and crises, such as terrorist attacks and mass shootings, were actually orchestrated by governments or sinister forces in furtherance of a political or social goal, such as gun control or sowing public fear” (ADL). In simpler terms, it is the belief that certain major world events happened because the government or someone else  organized i


Image The issues raised affect me on a daily basis. Through the videos I watched as well as Dean Smith’s lecture, I learned that the government has access to your files, specifically your Google Docs and Google Drive documents. It might say that you are the owner of that document, but that is really just a lie. The truth is, the government is the owner of that document and can do whatever they please with it. When it comes to my friends, they are affected in the same way, especially my friends from school. Most of them, without having taken this class, are walking around campus completely unaware about the control the government has over them and their files.  There is so much more that should be done to ensure our privacy online. When we are on a phone call, we shouldn’t have to worry about it being recorded. When we are typing on a Google Doc, we shouldn’t have to worry about it not being in our control. These are basic principles in regards

Antiwar and Dissent

Image Dissent is an extremely important right to have in our current world, especially considering that it is one of the 8 values of free expression. Not all actions that are taken by the government are going to be ones we agree with. After all, we all come from different backgrounds and we each have a different set of beliefs. Therefore, it is only right that we have the ability to dissent. If not, then we start to move back into the late 18th century with the implementation of the Aliens and Sedition Act. We also possibly start to move into the territory of prior restraint. When looking at both  ANTIWAR.COM  and  The American Conservative , I notice that there is very little leniency to either the right or the left. Rather, it is neutral. This can be attributed to the fact that it is mostly news and reports about that news instead of opinions. A lot of mainstream media sources are heavily opinion based and are just used as outlets for people to

EOTO Peer Invention

Image One of my peers did their EOTO Presentation about the invention of Bluetooth, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to hear all about it. In the next few paragraphs, I will be talking about the history of the invention, how it came to be, and where it stands today. Bluetooth was developed in the year 1996, so it has only been around for a few decades. It was created by Dutch inventor Dr. Jaap Haartsen, but it was named after Herald Bluetooth, who was a viking and was the king of Denmark for 28 years. He had a decaying tooth that was so black, it looked blue, which is why he was called Bluetooth.  Many people are very familiar with the Bluetooth symbol, which is a white colored B looking shape on a blue oval background. But the symbol actually comes from the Nordic alphabet, and is a combination of the Nordic letter H and the Nordic letter B both combined together into one. Since Herald Bluetooth's initials were HB, that is how th