Artificial Intelligence


In my personal opinion, artificial intelligence is one of the most dangerous things in our society and, when it comes down to it, it is without a doubt more harmful than it is helpful. The following paragraphs will talk about what I believe are the two biggest dangers surroundings A.I.

The first concern I have about artificial intelligence is how it is taking away our creativity and making us lazy. Take, for example, ChatGPT. In the classroom, teachers will spend hours preparing an essay prompt that students will complete in seconds with the click of a button by just inserting that prompt into ChatGPT. By doing this, students are missing out on the opportunity to tap into their creative side and generate a well thought out response to the prompt. And before they know it, this one time turns into two, three, and even four times, and the student’s creative side is completely gone. And with that, they are no longer capable to think for themselves.

The second concern I have about artificial intelligence is how many jobs it is taking away from humans. In class, Professor Smith mentioned how 90% of jobs in the video game industry will be taken over by A.I. in some capacity. That number, honestly, shocked me. It also made me want to do a little bit more investigating. In that, I found that, according to the World Economic Forum, “AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025” (World Economic Forum). That number really scares me, and further adds to my concern about A.I. taking away human responsibilities.


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