The Supreme Court

I learned from the first video that the Supreme Court receives over 100 new cases per week which equates to nearly 7,000 a year. I knew that the Supreme Court has always had their hands full with cases, but I didn’t know that they had this many to deal with.

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is its authority. According to the History Channel article, the SCOTUS is “the highest federal court in the country and the head of the judicial branch of government” (History Channel). It also has the power to check the action of “the executive branch of the president and legislative branch of Congress” (History Channel). 

I learned from the first video that even though the Supreme Court receives nearly 7,000 new cases a year, only around 100 of them actually make it to the Supreme Court. Most of those 7,000 cases are petitions for certiorari, which are petitions that state a lower level court ruling wasn’t correct and that in order for the correct ruling to be handed down, the case must be settled in the Supreme Court. However, most decisions end up being finalized in those lower level courts.

The video changed my view of the Supreme Court because it forced me to give them more respect for what they do. In the first video, the individuals featured talked about the three year rule and how it often takes a while for things to click on the Supreme Court. Many of them even said that it often takes more than three years and, when it’s all said and done, it’s actually closer to 5. I now have more respect for the justices on the Supreme Court and the immense amount of patience they must possess on a daily basis. 


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