The 8 Values of Free Expression

Of the 8 values of free expression, I find the protection of dissent to resonate most with me. As Americans, but more so as human beings, it only makes sense that we would disagree and have differing viewpoints. Not all of us are from the same background. Not all of us were raised the same way. Not all of us went through the same things. Therefore, it’s completely reasonable to assume that not all of us have the exact same ideas. If we did all have the same ideas, then we wouldn’t be able to make progress or develop as a country. That is why it’s paramount that we be granted this value of free expression, especially considering that it is our first amendment right. Without it, then we begin to move into the territory of compelled speech and compelled affirmation of belief. 

Of the 8 values of free expression, I find the promotion of innovation to be the most important. In our growing world, technology is involved in nearly every facet of our lives. From the way that we communicate (texting, calling, etc), to the way that we consume information (Google, YouTube, etc), to the way that we pass the time (social media, video games, etc), technology is a part of anything and everything that we do. That is why the preservation of the promotion and continuation of innovation is the most important. If we can’t innovate, then how can we create a better future and improve our daily lives? The answer is that we simply can’t. 

Of the 8 values of free expression, I find individual self-fulfillment to be the most personal to me. America is known for many things, but its own anthem states that it is known for being “the land of the free and the home of the brave” (Key). America is the freest country in the world, and many people who come to America come in search of the American dream as well as a feeling of self-fulfillment. I know that having this feeling of self-fulfillment as an American citizen is one of the many reasons I am proud to be an American citizen, and I couldn’t imagine living in a world in which I don’t have that feeling. In my opinion, it is one of the many values that shape the true U.S. citizen. 

Of the 8 values of free expression, I find the checking of government power in action the most today. As American citizens, it is the duty of the government to do what is best for their citizens. So if the government isn’t doing what is best for their citizens, they should be able to check the government's power and demand that it be used in an appropriate way, with that being to serve citizens. One example of this is President Biden’s attack on Yemen. The President does not possess the sole power to launch missiles by himself, however he did it anyway just last week. Therefore, U.S. citizens rightly criticized the President of an abuse of power. 


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